Team function: BeyondersBeyond

Description: This SOP will guide the BeyondersBeyond on which bookings can be accepted and which should be declined. For auto-accept platforms, it should also guide which bookings we cancel. 

Goal: No Parties, Spotting any young bookings and cancellation if needed. Happy agents for Flyp homes. 

Notes:. All cancellations must be approved by a London team member. The Onfido process is an essential part of ensuring there are no parties. These processes needed to be used together as a two step process of finding bad bookings. If you have a ‘bad feeling’ about a guest, you are probably right. Don’t be swayed by sad stories etc. - people who want to throw parties are smart!

Supporting Documents: Onfido and Forms SOPThis document can also be viewed as a mind-map here. This SOP is the most up to date version. 

Document last updated: 06/06/2019

For Sale Homes: We need to be extra cautious with all for sale homes. The reason for this is that there could be a viewing at any time. During viewings, agents bring potential buyers and any issues in the home could end any chance we have of doing more business with them! Do not take ANY risks on for-sale homes. Cancelling or declining a booking will cost us less that ending the relationship with that agent because of a party. 

All For Sale homes have a minimum age of 28 on All birthdays, weddings for guests under 40 must be cancelled or declined - please inform a London team member ASAP. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not directly ask guests for their age, race, gender as this goes against platform policy and we could be banned. 





  • Over 40 and booking for themselves. 

  • Mixed Gender Group

  • Under 40 with a child or grandparent

  • Business Travellers

  • Groups with children

  • Groups of Men Only(No stag do’s ever!)

  • Groups of women only (unless over 40 and/or with kids/grandparent). Exception: Bath and Hen Venues. 

  • Someone booking for someone else i.e. there children. We only time we allow this is for business bookings. 

  • Birthdays or weddings - don’t accommodate unless over 40. 

  • They must forward the Onfido email to the guest and ask them to complete. 

Profile Clues



  • All verifications

  • Good reviews

  • Looks older from photo

  • Pictures of kids in photos. 

  • Foreign phone number. 

  • Also a host. 

  • Location the same as the location of the home e.g. guest is from London and booking London. 

  • No picture of themselves - not added or of a flower, building etc - ask the guest to add a photo on Airbnb if none shows after booking. 

  • Looks young in photo. 

  • Less than 2 verifications - ask guests to add verification including ID before accepting. 

  • Any negative reviews

  • Joined in the same month and year as the enquiry was made - not the end of the world but can be considered negative in combination with other factors. 




  • The more in advance the booking, the safer it is. 

  • Long Term bookings - refer all long term bookings even if the guests are not ideal or the home is not available. 

  • Always offer an alternative. 

  • Less than 1 week in advance - not the end of the world but be cautious. 

  • 1 night bookings - please flag any 1 night bookings on a Friday or Saturday night, 

  • Weekend only bookings. Parties more likely to occur on weekends. Be cautious especially when last minute. 

  • Bookings over UK Bank Holidays. 

  • Be VERY cautious of all bookings near Notting Hill over Notting Hill Carnival Weekend. 




  • Business Trips (excluding work parties and under 30)

  • Grandma’s Birthday

  • Visiting Children at university

  • Hospital Visit

  • The above are just examples and not a full list. 

Major warning signs: 

  • Guests who are overly keen or very pushy. For example, asking why they were declined, asking to change mind.

  • Threatening

  • Asking to pay cash or take booking off the platform. 

Less serious but to be considered amongst other factors: 

  • Overly Complimentary - ‘you’re home is AMAZZZZING’. 

  • Generic message that has been pasted to lots of hosts. Nothing specific about the property or it’s location. 

  • Refuses to answer questions or is vague about plans.

  • Don’t be shy about asking guests why they are visiting. 

  • Any sort of celebration/birthday/gift for someone under 30. 

  • Have a party

  • Going to a festival or concert 

  • Football matches or other big sports events e.g. boxing. 

  • Hen nights (unless a hen house). Don’t be swayed by guests who say it will be a ‘chilled’ hen night.