1. What if the guest is not tech-savvy and doesn't really know how to use a computer?

  • If guests can book on a booking platform, they should be able to complete the form. Please guide them on how to do it, i.e. complete each section in the form then upload a photo of there ID and of themselves. 

  •  For guests that can't open the Onfido link, does it only work on a computer? 

  • The link should work on mobile and computer. However, it works better on the computer.  Please add the guests booking ID to the excel doc here. If guests can’t open the Onfido, then you can manually send them the Onfido from within the Onfido website. Instructions are in the SOP. 

There are guests who really don't want to send their photo and ID as they say it's against the law. 

  • For British guests: This is a company policy that is part of the terms of staying in StayBeyond home. The process is legal and Onfido complies with all the most recent Data Laws. There is a Privacy Notice within the form. Guests who do not complete this process may have there booking cancelled. Please create a ticket and inform Esme before making a final call on cancelling. Ultimately, if its a booking we should be cautious of e.g. the last min on a weekend AND they won’t complete Onfido, our warning bells should be going off and we should cancel.

  • There is also a canned response in the SOP you can send, explaining why we ask for the information. 

What if the guest doesn't have any internet connection and it's a last-minute same day booking? 

  • Last Minute, same-day bookings are the ones we need to be most careful about as they are far more likely to be party bookings. We need to make sure they complete the process - the guest had the wifi to make the booking so need to find wifi to complete the form, can they go to a local cafe? Overall, a party costs us much more than we usually gain from last min bookings so do not be afraid to tell the guest that they need to send it or it will be cancelled. 

We're also getting feedback that the link is not working. 

  • Please add this to the excel doc so we can track this. When uploading images, please ensure that they are uploaded in JPEG or PNG. Guests can change the file from one format to another using this site: https://www.online-convert.com/

  • Please advise guests to try on the computer and to clear cookies before trying again. 

  • Ask them to use Chrome, Internet Explorer or Safari as their browser

What if the guest is an incoming guest. Should they need to update the onfido or we have a record and can sync to their new booking?

  • I assume you mean repeat bookers? If guests are repeat bookers, they don’t need to do it again. You can manually validate the booking in the ‘needs reviewing’ section. Remember to check they have also paid before doing this!

 For the payment, since we do have damage deposit should they need to complete that for them to receive the complete check-in guide?

  • We are working on refining this process. For now, if a deposit has been charged, it must be paid. I’ll send more info on this process soon!

If someone booked the property for them (company or family) and they called asking for the check-in details, should we provide it to them?

  • No check-in information can only be sent to the account that is was booked on. Please ask them to contact the booker. 

  • In urgent situations, please ask them to confirm the following: Full name of the person who booked, check-in and check-out date and city. If they can provide all this information perfectly, you can send them the check-in information (providing Onfido + Payment are complete). 

They are asking for us to send the check-in guide more than 48hrs before check-in, due to other issues, no internet access, delivery of an item, planning their stay should we still give the address with an incorrect house number?

  • Send the correct address but without the access information. Again, providing payments and Onfido are as they should be. 

If they do not want to complete the onfido should we cancel the booking? If so can we add it on the listing for it to be clear to the guest that we need them to send an ID.

  • All bookings are made in agreement with our terms and conditions which are on our website here. This includes section 3.5 which covers Onfido. 

  • Do not cancel the booking - follow the SOP and think about the overall risk of the booking. Coming with kids? Probably safe. Last Minute party booking? Could be risky, best to be cautious and cancel. 

  • Always create a zendesk ticket and alert a manager before cancelling. 

  • When there is no manager available - better to be cautious than take a risky booking - if you have a bad feeling about someone and they won’t do Onfido. Cancel it!

When can we manually send the check-in guide?

  • Only ever 48 hours or less before arrival when the booking is FULLY PAID and VERIFIED. Before sending, check-in Back-Office, is the booking in the ‘Needs Reviewing’ section. Why is it there? Does it need to be checked? 

. Scenario-based issues:

Guest are old/not English speaking can see provide the check-in guide

  • If you have spoken to the guest on the phone and are sure they are old then they are unlikely to have a party. You can manually approve the booking in the ‘needs reviewing section’ and/or manually send the check-in guide. 

Guest had booked the property to us before on a different property or dates can we give them the new smart Lock code / klevio?

  • The process is the same, they need to pay and have done Onfido - either this time or last time. There should be no need to manually send the updated information, they will get the information from the automatic email.