Viewings Inbox SOP

Standard Operating Procedure

Team function: BeyondersBeyond

Description: Guide for answering messages in the viewings inbox and booking in viewings. 

Goal: Agents love us and guests are informed and happy about viewings taking place. 

Notes:  Please ensure you have read the two linked SOP’s. The same process should be followed when agents call to book viewings. If you are unsure, please ask a manager for help - do not guess as we need to get this 100% right.  


Document last updated: 15/05/19

Linked Documents: SB SOP - For Sale Home Tidies and For Sale SOP (Guest Comms + Messaging)

Leading Value of this SOP

Good Vibes        

Coming Together     

Keeping it Real         

Grandma Approved        

Doing It Differently

Agents are very important to the success of the business. We must balance accommodating viewings with the needs of the guests. We rely on agents to speak highly of us, so always ensure they receive the best possible service. 

When our homes are for sale, estate agents will bring potential buyers to come and look at the home. These are called ‘viewings’. Viewings can occur anytime between 8am and 7pm Monday-Saturday. However, usually, they occur past 11 am so not early mornings. 

The View@ Email Address. 

All emails from agents about viewings go to the address This can be accessed in Front here. There is also a notification in the Slack channel #home-viewings each time an email is received to ensure we notice and reply to it. All emails within this inbox should be answered within 15 minutes




Find the email in the inbox. 


All viewings cleans occur at 10am for one hour. Our response to viewing requests will change depending on when the request is for. 


Please use this flowchart to decide how to respond to emails. 

Important Points to Remember:

  • Cleans occur 10am-11am. When a guest is in stay, the home will not look as tidy  before 10am and guests may still be in bed. 

  • Consider if there is a guest in stay, if the viewing is the next day and the home is not booked, it’s unlikely to be booked so we can probably accommodate an earlier viewing. Any guests booking last minute will need to agree to the viewing. 

  • When guests book and a viewing is already booked in during their stay, please inform them in the FIRST message we send to them

  • Don’t be a robot! If the canned response does not make sense in the context or you are unsure, ask Josh, Ollie or Esme. 

4. Canned responses

The canned responses are saved in Front. These can be used to reply to messages. Please think when replying and checking the canned response is appropriate. To access the canned responses in Front click this button:   on the bottom of the emails. 

  • Have any other questions been answered?

  • Do you need to ask a question? e.g. sometimes agents forget to say which home it’s for?

  • Don’t use internal code names - use the street address e.g. ‘Hornton Street’

  • Check spelling and grammar is perfect!

  • Add your name at the bottom of the email. 


Once you reply and a time is confirmed, proceed to the next step.

6. Adding the viewing to the calendar.  

  1. In Front, in the Viewings inbox, with the email you are booking a viewing for - click the box with the arrow into open ‘apps’. (See Figure 1)

  2. If not already selected, click the small dropdown at the top and select ‘Calendar’

  3. Select ‘My Calendar’

  4. Select the date the viewing is and then click the time in the calendar (See Figure 2)

  5. The ‘Meeting Topic’ will automatically fill with the email subject. Edit this to ‘*Home Code* | Viewing’ - e.g. LN PRM | viewing
    (Figure 3)

  6. Check the date and time - all viewings should be set as 30 mins long. 

  7. Remove all attendees

  8. Add the Home Code as the ‘Event Location’. (make sure to include the ‘-FD’ at the end of the Home Code. e.g. LN PRM-FD)

  9. Add the name of the agent and the agency in the ‘Event Description’.

  10. Check the event is in the calendar ‘For Sale Viewing’

  11. Click Schedule. 


The viewing will now be on the calendar and will automatically send a notification to the #Viewings Slack channel. This will trigger a BB to inform the guest and add the booking to BO. 


BB CS team should check all the Slack #Viewings (Figure 4) when they arrive at 8 PM.

Make sure that the guest is informed and reply the notes that is needed:
*Added in BO
*Informed guest via call/email 
*No guest
*Additional notes if needed

Figure 1: 

Figure 2:

Figure 3: 

Figure 4:

Flow Chart