Standard Operating Procedure

For Sale Homes (Internal Only)

Team function: BeyondersBeyond, Operations, Marketing, Business Development 

Description: This SOP will guide communication and messaging for ‘for sale homes’.

Goal: 100% clarity on for sale homes stays for all guests. 

Notes: For bookings moved to or from a for sales home - please refer to the moved bookings doc here. Also relevant is Booking Viewings and Viewings Inbox SOP

Document last updated: 05 / 02 / 19, 09/09/19

1.What is a ‘for sale’ home? 

StayBeyond is now taking on homes that are listed as ‘for sale’ on the property market. As such, we are accommodating viewings while also hosting guests. The benefit for the guests is that they can get a discounted nightly rate on fantastic homes. 

All for sale homes have info about it being for sale on the listing and in the welcome letter. It is crucial to inform guests moved from non for-sale homes to for-sale homes about viewings and daily tidies.

2. Daily Tidies

Most for sale homes will receive a daily tidy at 10am - this is to ensure that the home looks tidy and presentable at all times for viewings. (N.B. Some homes will not receive daily tidies, this is usually due to low frequency viewings or the home being sold). These homes will receive a tidy at 10am, only in the event that a viewing is booked in and guests will be notified beforehand. 

Therefore, there are TWO sets of messages which are different based on whether homes are being cleaned daily or only in the case of a viewing. 

You can read more about how to know which messages to send and which homes are in which category below. 

3.Which homes are for sale?

Homes which are for sale and homes with a daily clean have codes in the back office. 

  • All For-Sale Homes have an ‘- F’ after their name in Back-Office. 

  • All For Sale Homes with a daily clean will also have an ‘- D’ after as well. 

So for example,  LN COL (Colville) is now LN COL - F - D (Colville). This shows it’s for sale and has a daily clean. Redland is now BR RED - F (Redland) as it is For Sale but does not have daily cleans. 

To find all homes for sale, search properties and then put ‘- F’ into search and to search which ones have daily cleans search ‘- D’.

If in doubt, please double check.

4. Responsibilities:

JU - Schedule 10am tidies when guests are in stay (excluding Sunday and check-outs)

BB’s - Message guests For Sale Message 1 and For Sale Message 2. Answer any questions - ask EW if you do not know the answer. Message guest when a viewing is confirmed using Viewing Confirmed message. Inform any guests moved to for sale homes about the viewings and daily tidys. Respond to viewing requests and add to google calendar on weekends. 

MS -  to provide checklist/training for the tidies. Checklist name on Properly: Viewing Cleans Checklist   

EW - Inform BB’s when new for sale homes are added. Respond to requests for viewings and add to BO/Google Calendar. 

OG - Inform EW when new homes are added and when the status of home needing (or not needing) a daily clean changes.

CC - Add the listings text and update/amend as homes change category. 


  1. For Sale Home message 1 - This must be included in the first message sent to guests. This is across ALL  platforms including Please make sure you also reply to the guests other questions and integrate this nicely into the message.

  2. For Sale Home message 2 - This must be sent 48 hours before i.e. when we check if the check-in guide has been sent - we send this message no matter what. 

  3. Viewing Confirmed - This must be sent when a viewing is confirmed. You will be notified of confirmed viewings in the #viewings channel on slack. BeyondersBeyond must then message guests. 

  4. Mid-Stay Message for Messy Guests: to be sent when a cleaner notifies us that they cannot tidy the home in the allocated hour because guest belongings are obstructing. 

Listing Text 1 - (-F-D) - For Sale Home with daily tidies

We have recently renovated the home from top to bottom, including new furniture, and amazing  interior design throughout. We have designed this home to be perfect for families, hopefully that’s why you are booking with us! 

Now, we are selling this beautiful home!  Because of this, we need to keep it ready for viewings, so one of the StayBeyond team-members will tidy the home every morning at 10am, except Sundays and the day of your check out. Our StayBeyond team will need access to all rooms, including bedrooms. The daily tidy is free of charge. 

We’ll always let you know when viewing from the estate agent is taking place. Typically there are no more than three viewings a week, lasting around 10 minutes and usually in the middle of the day. There are no viewings on Saturdays after 4pm or on Sundays, so your relaxing time won't be interrupted. The nightly rate of the home is discounted as a thanks for being accommodating. 

The daily tidy is free of charge, and what’s more, if there’s a viewing during your stay that leads to an offer, we will refund you the full cost of one night as a thank you!

Please note the daily tidy is an essential part of staying in this home. If you’re looking to get up bright and early to make the most of the city, or your kids won’t let you sleep in, you will find this home and the daily tidy perfect for your stay.

Listing Text- (-F) - For Sale Home with No Daily tidies

It’s important to note this home is for sale.   Because of this, there may be viewings during your stay. We’ll always let you know when a viewing from the estate agent is taking place. Typically there is no more than one viewing per week, lasting around 10 minutes. There are no viewings on Saturdays after 4pm or on Sundays, so your relaxing time won't be interrupted.

On days when a viewing is booked in, we’ll send a member of our cleaning team to give the home a quick tidy up before the viewing takes place, our StayBeyond team-member will need access to all rooms and will need to make all beds. The nightly rate of this home is discounted as a thanks for being accommodating. 

Listing Text 1 - (-F-D) - For Sale Home with daily tidies- BOOKING.COM “VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE PLEASE READ” 

Please note this home is for sale so you will need to accommodate viewings during your stay and a daily tidying service at 10am by one of our StayBeyond team-members.

We have recently renovated the home from top to bottom, including new furniture, and amazing  interior design throughout. We have designed this home to be perfect for families, hopefully that’s why you’re booking with us! 

Now, we are helping the owner to sell the home. Because of this, we need to keep the home ready for viewings, so one of our StayBeyond team-members will tidy the home every morning at 10am, except Sundays and the day of your check out. Our StayBeyond team-members will need access to all rooms, including bedrooms. The daily tidy is free of charge. 

We’ll always let you know when a viewing from the estate agent is taking place. Typically there are no more than three viewings a week, lasting around 10 minutes and usually in the middle of the day. There are no viewings on Saturdays after 4pm or on Sundays, so your relaxing time won't be interrupted. The nightly rate of the home is discounted as a thanks for being accommodating. 

Please note the daily tidy is an essential part of staying in this home. If you’re looking to get up bright and early to make the most of the city, or your kids won’t let you sleep in, you will find this home and the daily tidy perfect for your stay.

Listing Text- (-F) - For Sale Home with No Daily tidies: BOOKING.COM “VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE PLEASE READ”

Please note this home is for sale so you will need to accommodate viewings during your stay and a tidying service by our StayBeyond team-member when a viewing is booked in. We’ll always let you know when viewing from the estate agent is taking place. Typically there is no more than one viewing per week, lasting around 10 minutes. There are no viewings on Saturdays after 4pm or on Sundays, so your relaxing time won't be interrupted. 

On days when a viewing is booked in, we’ll send a member of our cleaning team to give the home a quick tidy up before the viewing takes place, our StayBeyond team-member will need access to all rooms and will need to make all beds. The nightly rate of this home is discounted as a thanks for being accommodating. 


Standard Opening Text:



Thanks for your enquiry for this lovely home. My name is Lory and I work at StayBeyond. We help look after this home while the host is busy travelling.


As you know Airbnb is a great way to travel, however, it relies on trust between the host and guest. For this reason,could you tell  me a bit more about what you’ll be up to during your stay and who will be joining you?

For Sale Home message 1 (-F-D) - For Sale Home with daily tidies 

We have recently renovated the home from top to bottom, including new furniture, and amazing interior design throughout. 

Now, we are selling this lovely home. We need to keep the home looking great and ready for viewings so one of our StayBeyond team-members will tidy it every morning at 10am, except Sundays and the day of your check out. Our StayBeyond team will need access to all rooms, including bedrooms. You are welcome to be in or out while they are tidying. The daily tidy is free of charge, and an essential element of staying in this home. We appreciate your help in keeping things neat, in fact, if a viewing during your stay results in an offer, we will refund you one night as a thanks for your help! 

We’ll always let you know when a viewing from the estate agent is taking place. Typically there are no more than three viewings a week, lasting around 10 minutes. The nightly rate of the home is discounted as a thanks for being accommodating. 

What is required of me as a guest?

  • Allow the StayBeyond team-member access to all rooms at 10am every day (except on Sundays and your day of check out) 

  • Allow StayBeyond team-members to make the beds during the tidying service 

  • Keep the home as neat and tidy as possible 

  • Put away personal belongings in cupboards and drawers (including in the kitchen and living room) our StayBeyond team-members will move your things into baskets for you if not

  • Keep suitcases in cupboards or under beds  

  • Do  not move any furniture, including mattresses

  • If there is a sofa bed in use our StayBeyond team will fold this away during the daily tidy service

  • Allow agents to access all rooms during the viewing, please be respectful in allowing agents to do their job, they won’t be there longer than 10 minutes usually! 

  • Treat the home as your own; absolutely no smoking and please be mindful of neighbours 

  • If there is a problem in the home, please tell us, not the agent

We will give you as much notice as possible about viewings by messaging you via your booking platform, so please ensure your notifications are enabled. There are no viewings on Sundays or after 4pm on Saturdays. 

In some rare situations, there may be an early viewing (from 9am). If this happens, we will compensate you with breakfast at £20 per head (please take a picture of your receipt for reimbursement.)

By staying in this home you are agreeing to the daily tidying service, and accommodating viewings as requested. We have designed this home to be cozy, captivating and a pleasure to stay in, we know you will love this home and the way our team looks after it. 

Please respond to this message acknowledging the above terms, we would be happy to answer any questions. We are available throughout your stay and always happy to help. 


The Beyonders 

For Sale Home message 1 (-F) - For Sale Home with No daily tidies 

It’s important to note that this home is for sale. Because of this, there may be viewings during your stay. We’ll always let you know when viewing from the estate agent is taking place. Typically there is no more than one viewing per week, lasting around 10 minutes. There are no viewings on Saturdays after 4pm or on Sundays, so your relaxing time won't be interrupted. The nightly rate of this home is discounted as a thanks for being accommodating. 

On days when a viewing is booked in, we will send a member of our cleaning team to give the home a quick tidy up before the viewing takes place, our StayBeyond team will need access to all rooms and will need to make all beds. We appreciate your help in keeping things neat, in fact, if a viewing during your stay results in an offer, we will refund you one night as a thanks for your help! 

What is required of me as a guest?

  • Allow agents to access all rooms during a viewing

  • Allow the StayBeyond team access to all rooms when a tidying service takes place

  • Allow StayBeyond team to make beds during a tidying service 

  • Keep the home as neat and tidy as possible 

  • Put away personal belongings in cupboards and drawers (including in the kitchen and living room) 

  • Keep suitcases in cupboards or under beds   

  • Do  not move any furniture, including mattresses

  • If there is a sofa bed in use, our StayBeyond team will fold this away during the tidying service

  • Allow agents to access all rooms during the viewing, please be respectful in allowing agents to do their job, they won’t be there longer than 10 minutes usually! 

  • Treat the home as your own; absolutely no smoking and please be mindful of neighbours 

  • If there is a problem in the home, please tell us, not the agent!

In some rare situations, there may be an early viewing (from 9am). If this happens, we will compensate you with breakfast at £20 per head (please take a picture of your receipt for reimbursement.

We will give you as much notice as possible about viewings by messaging you via your booking platform, so please ensure your notifications are enabled. 

By staying in this home you are agreeing to the tidying service, and accommodating viewings as requested. 

Please respond to this message acknowledging the above terms, we would be happy to answer any questions. 


For Sale Home message 2  (-F-D) - For Sale Home with daily tidies


We’re looking forward to welcoming you soon. Don’t forget one of our StayBeyond team-members will be tidying the home every morning at 10am. Please make sure they can access every room. The StayBeyond team-member may move personal items, so if there’s anything you don’t want touched, please put it away in drawers or cupboards. The tidier the home is when they arrive, the more time they will have within the hour to clean. 

If a viewing is booked in, we will message you here. Don’t forget, if a viewing during your stay results in an offer, we will refund you one night to say thank you for being such a great guest! 

Please note we take our house rules very seriously and so anyone found to be breaking these rules, including smoking in the home, will have their booking cancelled immediately and without refund. 

Thanks for your understanding.

For Sale Home message 2  (-F) -  For Sale Home with no daily tidy


We’re looking forward to welcoming you soon. Don’t forget that this home is for sale so there may be viewings from the agent. If a viewing is booked in, we will message you here with the time, and send one of our team to tidy the home before the viewing. We’ll let you know what time our StayBeyond team-member will arrive. They may move personal items to make the rooms look tidy, so if there’s anything you don’t want touched, please put it away in drawers or cupboards. 

Don’t forget, if a viewing during your stay results in an offer, we will refund you one night to say thank you for being such a great guest! 

Have a great day 

Viewing Confirmed Message - (-F-D) - For Sale Home with daily tidy


We hope you’re well. There will be a quick viewing on DAY at TIME. You can be in or out of the home and we would really appreciate it if you could make sure the home is tidy. 

The better the home looks the more likely it is to get an offer, so please help us by keeping the home tidy, and if we get an offer from this viewing, you will get one night refunded! 

Thanks and have a great day 

Viewing Confirmed Message - (F) -  For Sale Home with no daily tidy


We hope you are well. There will be a quick viewing on DAY at TIME. A member of the housekeeping team will come to tidy the home at TIME before the viewing. 

The better the ho

me looks the more likely it is to get an offer, so please help us by keeping the home tidy, and if we get an offer from this viewing, you will get one night refunded! 

Thanks and have a great day

Mid-Stay Message for Messy Guests


We hope you are enjoying your stay so far. Our StayBeyond team-member has informed us the home is messy and they have had to spend longer than an hour to get the home looking viewing-ready. We politely request that you tidy your belongings away before 10am tomorrow, otherwise you may be charged for additional time spent tidying the home as this is outside the terms of your agreement. 

Thanks and have a great day 

9. FAQ’s

  • Can we accommodate long term enquiries in ‘for sale’ homes?

Sometimes, please check with Camilla before confirming!

  • Can viewings be rearranged to another time?

No, all viewings are final and cannot be rearranged to suit guests. Most viewings will only take 10 minutes and guests do not need to do anything.

  • Can guests be in the home when viewings take place?

Yes, guests can be in the home. 

  • Can guests get a discount on the price of the home because of the inconvenience?

All prices are already discounted to reflect that the home is for sale. All homes are exceptional value for money for the location and quality. 

  • Can guests tidy the home themselves?

No,, guests must accommodate the daily tidying service. Though please flag if this is requested.

  •      What happens if the home sells before my check-in?

 Once an offer is received on the home, sales usually take many months to go through, up to which time, we are still able to accomodate guests. We only open our calendar to dates we expect to be able to host guests. In the unlikely event that we can no longer accommodate you, we will offer an upgraded home or offer you a complete refund.

  • Can guests have a late check-out at for sale homes?

No, unfortunately, we cannot accommodate late check-out at any for sale homes. 

  • What does a tidy of the home include?

The home will not be cleaned but will look neat and tidy when the housekeeper leaves. Beds will be made, towels will be folded. Plates and dishes will be put away etc. Guest’s items will be neatly placed to one side including any shoes, jackets, bathroom or kitchen items. 

Keith and Offboarding Homes

It’s important to note this home is for sale.   Because of this, there may be viewings during your stay. We’ll always let you know when a viewing from the estate agent is taking place. Typically there is no more than one viewing per week, lasting around 10 minutes. There are no viewings on Saturdays after 4pm or on Sundays, so your relaxing time won't be interrupted. The nightly rate of this home is discounted as a thanks for being accommodating. 

Welcome Letter

The daily tidy is free of charge, and what’s more, if there’s a viewing during your stay that leads to an offer, we will refund you the full cost of one night as a thank you!


As this home is for sale, you will need to accommodate viewings during your stay. We will give you as much notice as possible by messaging you on your booking platform.

A member of the StayBeyond team will attend the home daily at 10AM. Please ensure they have access to all rooms at 10am. 



How you have the chance to have a night of your stay refunded:


The purpose of this hour is to ensure the home is looking ready for viewings. Please place all personal belongings in drawers or cupboards. They will always tidy before cleaning so the tidier the home is left, the more time they will have to do any necessary cleaning.