Each day the following should be done:

#ldnviewingsclean channel

1. As cleaners submit their photos, provide live feedback. All cleaners should be sending photos while still in the home. When you send feedback, they can then go in and change anything that is not up to standard. If the cleaner has already left, please tell them that next time they need to send photo while in the home. IMPORTANT: Feedback must be sent quickly once photos are sent so that cleaners are still in the home. Monitor this channel at all times from 10am-12pm closely. You will also need to monitor for any questions from cleaners, access issues etc. 

2. Provide live feedback on the home - good and bad. For each cleaner, raise 1-2 points - for some there may be no negatives. Do this by adding a comment under the photo. You also need to check that the cleaner did not leave too early - all cleaners should be staying 1 hour but 45 mins at a minimum. If the home is already tidy then they should clean (mop, hoover etc) - there is always something to do. So if a cleaner has submitted photos before 45mins after their clean started - please highlight this like so:

Hi @cleanername - all our tidies should be lasting one hour but I can see these photos were submitted a while before you were due to finish. If the home is tidy, please spend time cleaning as we, and the guest are expecting a full one hour of service. Thanks!

 For example:

For this photo:

@cleanername - Hi, this bed doesn't look as neat as usual - please can you straighten the pillows and tightly tuck the duvet so its flat and without creases. Also, please move towels to a shelf or drawer with the toiletries. Thanks!

For positive feedback:

Hi @cleanername - just wanted to say that this kitchen is looking lovely and sets a great example for the team. Well done!

You can personalise each message - keep it friendly and informal - feedback for a friend :)

3.  Check that all photos have been submitted by 12 pm (all daily tidies last an hour - most start at 10 am and some start at 11 am). The tidies last 1 hour and cleaners should submit photos immediately so most should be in by 11am and all by 12pm. 

4. At 12pm - in the #ldnviewingcleans channel - send a message saying something like:

Hi team - I would like to say thank you to these team members for submitting their photos on time:

- name

- name

- name

I am still waiting for photos from:

- name

- name

- name

Just a reminder that photos and the google form should be submitted before leaving the home. 

5. Give some tacos - when you are done - reward some cleaners (who have put photos and done good cleans) - this should be done in the #londoncleaningteam channel and say WHY.