StayBeyond Pets SOP

Standard Operating Procedure


Team function: BeyondersBeyond

Description: This SOP will guide BeyondersBeyond on how to handle requests to bring pets to StayBeyond homes. 

Goal: No questions in Slack regarding pets in SB homes

Notes: Please add any questions from guests in the FAQ’s and ask Esme to answer to we can build a log.

Document last updated: 22 / 01 / 19

Leading Value of this SOP

Good Vibes        

Coming Together     

Keeping it Real         

Grandma Approved        

Doing It Differently

No ‘home from home’ experience is complete without your pet friend. By allowing pets in as many homes as possible, we home to create a more welcoming experience for our guests. We also need to keep our homes looking as good as new - so setting clear rules and taking money for extra cleaning is essential. 

Basic Rules on Pets

: Please apply the following when handling requests. For VIP guests or stays over 3 weeks that do not meet these rules - please ask a member of Ops team as  we may still be able to accomodate. (INTERNAL ONLY)

  1. A maximum of two animals per home per stay should be enforced. 

2. Only dogs or cats will be permitted in homes. 

3. There is an additional charge of £50/animal/stay - this covers additional cleaning costs. 

4. Only homes which have the ‘pet friendly?’ box in back office ticked can accomodate pets. 

Checking if a home is pet friendly: 


  1. Open the back-office (

2.  Open the rental details for the home the guest has enquired for. 


3. Click ‘Key Information’ from the menu at the top. 

4. Check if the Pets friendly box is ticked. 

5. If the box is ticked - the home can accomodate pets (as long as it meets the rules above). For next steps see ‘Accepting pets’. 

6. If the box is not ticked, the home cannot accommodate pets. Please inform the guest using the message to the right, and suggest other similar homes that can accomodate pets if possible. 


Unfortunately we are unable to accept pets at this home. If you are looking for a pet friendly home nearby, we also look after this home nearby that can accomodate guests: [link].

Best Wishes, 


Pet Accepted:

  1. Once you have checked that home can accomodate pets, you can message the guest as per the message to the right along with the rest of your message. This includes the following information:

  • A maximum of two pets can be present in the home during the stay. 

  • Guests will be charged £50/ pet for additional 

Yes, we can accomodate pets in this home. We charge an additional charge of £50/pet for a maximum of two pets. This just covers the additional cleaning we have to do after the stay. 

You will also be responsible for any damages or incidentals during your stay. 

2. Charge the guest as below:

2a. AirBnB: Please add the amount to the total price of the booking. 

It is the responsibility of the person issuing the request to ensure it was paid. Please use the ‘snooze - remind me tomorrow’ feature in Front to ensure you do so. 

2b. All other platforms: Please request a chargedesk invoice from Ana/Esme

The invoice must be paid within 48 hours. It is t

3. Add note on the back office. 

Add a note on the back-office that pets will be staying in the home. Add the payment in BO - Compensation - put a ‘+’ before the amount and then RECEIVED in the description. 


What happens when guests bring pets but don’t tell us until during the stay?

  • If the home can accomodate pets, please charge the guest £50/pet as per the methods above. If the home cannot accommodate pets, guests should be charged a £200 fine for a deep clean.

  • If the guest will be bringing a service dog will they need to pay the £50/pet fee?